Individual Tax Preparation

Don't let taxes overwhelm you. YFM strives to simplify and streamline the tax process. Here's what you can anticipate:

  • Preparation and electronic filing of tax returns.

  • Virtual Tax Experience: YFMs secure Tax client portal enables a modern and hassle-free tax experience. From communications, uploading tax documents, signing of important tax forms, everything can be done virtually, making the process efficient and convenient.

  • Personalized Assistance: YFM takes the time to understand your unique tax situation and work with you to make sure your tax season experience is top-nothched.

  • Year-Round Service: YFMs commitment extends beyond tax season and is here year-round for all of your tax needs.

By offering you electronic filing of your returns, a user-friendly virtual platform, personalized attention, and ongoing assistance, YFM aims to make taxes less intimidating and help you achieve favorable outcomes.

YFM fees are based on a monthly subscription fee model.

* Based off of Appointment Schedule. Please note that Samantha M. Besnoff, CPA’s schedule will change depending on the time of year

**Must be a client of Samantha M. Besnoff, CPA. Amendments will only be done on returns up to three years. If you were not a client during any of the three years that need to be amended, those returns will not be amended.